How to Overcome Temptation

Learn how to overcome common temptations by Bishop Dr. K. D. Collins

How to Overcome Temptation by Bishop K. D. Collins


How to Overcome Temptation



Watch & PRAY

Matthew 26:41   Watch and pray that ye enter not into temptation.

Always be on the alert.  The devil goeth about like a roaring lion seeking whom he may devour.  Keep your eyes open.  Be watchful of things the devil will do and want you to do.

You must pray.  Prayer takes you into the presence of the lord.  The lord will reveal and deliver you from the plots of the enemy.  God will also strengthen you as you pray.


1 Thessalonian 5:22 Abstain from all appearance of evil.

Do not take anything for granted.   Neither be thou confident in  the flesh. The flesh will fail you. If you walk in the spirit, you will not fulfill the lust of the flesh.  If something seems sinful, walk away from it.

Many great men did not stand because they thought they were strong and did not heed the warnings signs.  Keep away from the sight of known evil or appearance of evil.  Do not be presumptuous.  Take council or carefully examine what others are saying.  Learn from others mistake.


2 Timothy 2:22 Flee youthful lust

Learn to run.  You do not have to remain where you are tempted.  Even Jesus himself escaped out of the crowd.  For example, Joseph flee from Potipher’s  wife.

Do not remain in the temptation to prove how strong you are.  Please leave.  It might seem as if you are weak, but in the end you will prove yourself wise and strong.


James 4:7 Submit yourselves therefore to God.  Resist the devil and he will flee from you.

Put up a fight against the attacks of the devil.  Do not take it lying down.  Rebuke and curse the devil.  Plea the blood of Jesus against Satan and the forces of darkness.  Do not be afraid to do this.

Sometimes the devil uses men and women you know.  Defend the gospel and the truth.  Do not submit yourself to the lies and works of deceitful men.  Be bold and withstand every temptation.


2 Kings 6:26……There cried a woman unto him, saying, help, my lord, O king.

You must not be full of pride so that you cannot cry for help.  Cry out for help especially if you know that the temptation is too hard to bear.  Someone will help you.  The prayer of righteous man availeth much.

2 Chronicles 18:31 says,….Jehoshaphat cried out and the Lord helped him; and God moved them to depart from him.  Asa, the king also cried to the Lord, and the Lord helped him.  The Lord will also help you.  Remember, The Lord has provided brothers and sisters to help you.

Many great men did not make it, because they fail to cry for help during their time of temptation. Cry out for help from men and from God.  Ask and it shall be given you.


James 5:16  Confess your faults one to another, and pray one for another, that ye may be healed…..

When you confess to someone, you are acknowledging that you know your weakness but you will not cover your sins.  Just by others knowing your short coming it is a weapon against the enemy.

Proverb 28:13 says He that covereth his sins shall not prosper; but whoso confesseth and forsaketh them shall have mercy.  Once you confess to someone, you will not want to continue in that known sin.